Turf Blog 07-08-24

Turf Blog – LochArniston

Now, before we start and to avoid any further confusion about my different turf name, I’ve scrapped the idea of using PlanetGaryII for the turf restart and have reverted back to my previous usual turf name of PlanetGary. However, I’m still starting again from scratch, as described in the previous two turf blogs. Sorry to have caused any confusion. On with the blog we go. Mind you, no doubt someone will be wondering why I have so few points and such a low Rank. To clarify, I’m still PlanetGary.

Very interesting starting again in the Turf Game, requires me to readjust my thinking processes. Now I don’t have to search for Unique zones, as almost all them are Unique zones. No need to search out turfer unique zones either, again, other than the four I took yesterday, all the others are turfer uniques. In addition, I also need to remind myself that all those turf medals I took as old PlanetGary are now available again and for the taking.

It’s very refreshing and exciting. I can look forward to the enjoyment and stress of taking the Daily 5 zones, hoping not to miss a single day and have to start from the beginning again. Might be something in the idea of turfing for a year then starting again. Wonder if anyone else has done this and what their thoughts might be?

Today, or rather yesterday, Gorebridge and Newtongrange and a good crop of medals and ranks for my efforts. But before we go there, I’m reminded just how important it is to have a lightweight bicycle. Zone LochArniston, push bike up shortcut from road. Zone Carlowrie, carry bike up steps. Zone TheBank, steep climb to zone GoToGore. Zone GoreHive, steep climb from zone at railway station. Zone ArnistonBing, say no more. Zone BridgeWatcher, carry bike up and over railway footbridge, then down steps to zone GoreWater. Zone GoreGlenPark, carry bike up steep massive steps to zone. And that’s just Gorebridge but you get the idea?

We start off the session with another pop up on the mobile phone screen. This time Rank 11 – Novice Explorer, and that for only one take and one revisit, and some PPH points as well. More work required today before the medals started popping up. Greed-75 was first, followed with Rank 12 – Experienced Traveller. Then half an hour later, another medal earned, the Take-100, and a few minutes later, 100 Unique joins the collection. Another 25 minutes turfing and the Roundpointer-25k appears. With Gorebridge fully turfed, other than zone SouthEskBrig, which I’ve left for another day, Newtongrange was next, and a good hour in the saddle before Rank 13 – Advanced Explorer pops into view.

One medal I was aiming for was the Greed-100 but zones lost to other turfers kept putting that out of reach. However, by the time I was on my way home to Bonnyrigg, if I recall correctly, I only required another 5 takes, so detoured via Eskbank, picking off a few more zones. With no additional losses, the Greed-100 medal soon appeared bringing the collection to 22 medals achieved. Not as many or as quickly as the previous day but that’s to be expected. With 52 takes this session my points have increased to over 29,000. Nice.

One issue I’ve noticed is that I’m no longer a Supporter and cannot access those extra features I’ve come to expect. However, you may or may not know that you can transfer Support days to another turf account and that’s just what I’ve done. And as I only had 40 Supporter day remaining, added another twelve months’ worth was due anyway.

I mentioned previously that I’d kept zone KirkCockpen untaken for the very reason that it’s my local Holy zone and ideal for the Ghost Minute. So, that’s where I found myself at 11.45 pm tonight. I’m sitting on a bench beside the church out of the wind watching the sky for satellites, UFO and passing aircraft. The trick is to use your peripheral vison to spot them, the satellites that is, no UFO’s tonight, and then watch them indirectly. Amazing how many cross in such a short period of time, at least six in those 15 minutes before I completed the Ghost Minute, during which I must admit I nearly cocked it up by inadvertently switching off the GPS and had to start the take again. Luckily all was well and I achieved the medal. More next time.

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