Sitting on that bench last night at zone KirkCockpen, counting down the minutes and second until I make that panic rush into the zone for the Ghost Minute, I was watching for satellites and UFO’s. Quite a few of the former passed overhead in those few minutes. Back home the following day, I wondered just how many orbiting satellites there are out there in the turf-zone-less emptiness of low Earth orbit. No two answers were the same with figures ranging from 6,000 to over 10,000, so who knows. Interestingly, there’s a mobile app that allow you to identify any satellite passing overhead. No UFO’s passed overhead, sadly but they probably had cloaking devices switched on.
With me starting afresh as a “new” turfer, there’s a temptation to rush on and achieve as many medals as I can, however, I’m trying hard to resist that temptation and will try to make them last for longer. Obviously, those that come along with normal turfing such as zone takes and points are okay, as is the Daily-5 and the Trainer medal. For example, last night I did the Ghost Minute and was tempted to stay out and grab the Dark Ninja between 2.00 and 3.00 am, and also the Dawn Ninja between 4.00 and 5.00 am. But I went back to bed instead.
Good days turfing today, down to Musselburgh for some uniques. As expected, medal alerts now require more takes and points and are not so frequent now but was surprised to see Rank 14 – Master Explorer appearing and later on three in quick succession, Bridge Crosser, Bridge Lover and Bridge Fanatic, all soon after taking some of the bridge zones on the River Esk in Musselburgh. And now that I think about it, same happened last time round. I’ve also just notice that I’m now Rank 15 – Great Explorer. Didn’t see that one popping up!
Back home in the afternoon, noticed I held 130 zones, only 20 zones short of the Greed-150 and with about that same number available locally, I jumped back on the bike and headed out. However, this was not to be as I soon found myself loosing zones faster than I could take them. For every one I took, I lost another two. One step forward, two steps backwards. Two other turfers were out taking “my” zones, RossEwan in Eskbank and Cruachan in Musselburgh. No point continuing, so headed back home. Enough cycling for the day anyway.
One thing I’ve learned about doing a turf restart is that, as all zones are now unique to you, you begin visiting zones you night generally not take more than once, or only occasionally. For example, I rarely visited the zones in Newhailes House other than the initial first take but found myself there today. Same with zone SurfnTurf, that’s the one at the end of the long pier in Fisherrow Harbour. Good to be exploring again and it’s easier this time round as I know where the zones are and how to reach them. At zone HolyInveresk came across the plaque above. Wonder what a Turf Cutting Station is?
Then, later in the evening, I’m lying in bed wondering if I should get up between 2.00 and 3.00 am and take at least three zones for a Dark Ninja? And perhaps later do same for the Dawn Ninja medal? Then I’m wondering what the hell am I doing? Can I really be bothered doing all that again? Right now, the answer to that is a big no-no. WTF?
So, having only lasted a few short days as a Newbie, I’m back to being the original me again, PlanetGary, Rank 55 – Holy Turfer, 10645994 (or there abouts) points, tons of medals, masses of TVT and a few FTT’s as well. However, as far as this Round goes, 0 points, 0 zones, 0 pph. Better get turfing then. Normal service has been resumed. Back soon.
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