This page lists my TvT or Turfer verses Turfer collection, all the turfers I’ve taken at least one zone from, known as turfer uniques. There are no medals but it can be quite an interesting challenge when out turfing.
Total turfer uniques taken to date – 429
Stevo280197, Concrete!, Addybads, MightyQ, IronSparrow, EMuir125, Planeteer.
dustmallow, Corbielinn, zoomer, Jak_Deth, KLT, Mocochinchi, SarahApple, granitemike, spacemanspif3, biff83, bikestuff, Gordonspocky55, sskaff, dubby, TheOGE, MyZone2007, Bear99, forestgrump, tweedweir, geoffh, Orde02, LilywhiteT, ravinous, TamSham, Mrsmous, Emjbee, AliceKnight, TurfCookie, sparky63, EdinKTB135, teacup2.0, Walking4steps, Lightinkorean, XIII, Placid_Casual, BroonDandTina, MikeP, HissingSid, Brows, Smurfn, luneside, wfb59, Pootle, KellysHero, MichTorr, Kampff, peculiarbear, skellum, Peda, Thearlaich, srocmikej, SushiCat, ForthPirate, Ecosse_QoS, Haliax, Dangerouslizzy, SlainteJimmy, lilsismika, Ruthie7, EatSleepTurf, Trainz, Shoosh, jcop, macspiggles, Ita, MrHybris, fitz, Pigbot, EdMedic23, deej, Biddies, Baggisman, otyr, Pinepod, Bernie27, TurfanatorSROC, MiriamSROC, DavidRSROC, AJHB, havering, ZwiftTurfer, Ramble, Artificial, shanks’s-pony, EdiExp, FlamingoPars, bobvic67, わかランナー, BuckBeak, TheBish, Learose, enhjuling, rubyroo, MaggieT, Jackdaw85, luro, Lauraloll, Newcomer, Cialar, cloisters, BirgittaS, Proscoe, AnnSch, Furryback, Gusi, 0beroff, HappyF, JIL, cake?, Pathlete, Lib.dib, MrPeO, LaRoo, WarrenRabbit, whit1001, NF44, Scorpio73, Redsnake, Talla1, NewTownIsBlue, mikey44, TheDude71, MTBNoob, horselj, MarkusAke, allinug, cyclecamping, meleys, lakespilgrim, bookish.jogger, Kronester, Siodach, BigBoomer, Danemark, dannyb91020, RNS, LanndenFox, allycatz, stretchMTB, McFlyAway, jimmysalad, Fergus2016, teep, catsfather, CollieB, MrBelpit, RabdeBruce, gob5hite, sailajd, Marrob, GooseEater, EvilPegg, Topsyturfy, FeGran, 1dan, kcal, lenlen360, HedwigOwls, Trumpetdude, MitchRapp, Goygoy, regalia, welchie, Toot, JamRo, RedDoor, STAGStevie, Bellerina12, North_Wing, ciney, ambrose, BarneyBoo, RosyPosy, sur-G, ESOC_Rocks, JiminyCrikit, Mathsboy, MagicShrew, DianaVilliers, mx5man, Skylark, barbsie, GMturf, lillolil, RE101, rnics.
taysidefrog, ScubaPuffin, mustang1234, NornIronSQ, Kenica, TheTortoise, bob.bbd, Tuuunes!, Spotoc. WhatBog?, magnusn, Stellamarita, scottydog, cmdopenguin7, KingdomReiver, bobsuruncle, Luthien, corsicana, ChemiesR, turfingthrough, HappyHaggis, BaldiePete, MrPugsley, Hib71, AndyP, spads, chrisfl, thisisewan, Pest, Arnsturf#, Kronvrak, Tobythedog, LindaGC, Gman93, turbosmith, CoolEsocAds, slowasstop, Aodhan, MoMac, stc89, richard13, SparkyMarky, chemiesf, Borelord, barking, Boneshaker, Rummbaabaa.
steventon_gang, JammyDognut, Pekijala, AROS-KS, NorthofIapetus, Strac, DaHunter, Dangermous, BawZoneFire, 12sixC, Alsterspross, fjtweedie, neillyposse, Coaster, Fuzilier52, L712, OchilWomble, AndyMac, Lindhardt, Leopard99, BraidAl, Veld, Bloo, Flangela, Ferry, Slaw, RebelRebel, RebEyy12, Saur, SHW_Goodbell, Arkki, Caminante, jeffhodg, ZulaTheAlien:), Christmas2, godders, Greenkeeper, Rossco, andypatqos, saintchris13, pinkgirl, HappyHibby, steddie4life, MANOSTEEL, sheenbeen, MuttsCycles, BeccyOz, NancyDrew, ELORoss.
ESOCHi, van_andermaet, TimmyM, callumb, ChoccyMuffin, ESOCKisaKat, KoveshEzorim, Pyramid, Cremebrulee, EsocNora, Tekuteku, gaelgirl, Shoegazer, Orinoko, Granmabigabee, ESOC-Q, K.N.L., katlesoc, SeaTurtle, Fezjivebunny, Ephemeral, sparkleblue, ktmcnl, pPilot, stoker, Furryback, elojw, carrybagman, TheMockbeggar, ELO_PY, Drylaw13, GopherTea60, Buk13y, DoodleDad, Wintergreen, SIman, JaxJaunts, MJCFife, greasedweasel, SeaCat, ELOG, Pyewacket, applepip, Quidkid, LangTouner, M&M’s, Lustysue, BlazedL0ve, PancakeMike, elkaytoo, edgygrl, MsJ, Suilven, MrBourbon, elpth, edinfolks, SnickerDoodle, TheToad, bleschu, JingsCrivens, chesterton, DrG, squirrelnutkin, Tandem, FiFVO, ajmtheperfect, RosieBode, TopFlat, Knoydart, PoshWhippet, kjtindall, bodby, Dowasaurus, FeTaTo, ESOCJanet, noxidc, CardiffSoulCru,
Jarvmobile, gavtav, willrun4cake, snowpilot, soosoo, stuperman, TTVmruseeks, BigGav, SparseRunner, Furseal, CabinFeather, Baloo!, ELOsheila, DNostrebor, SpookyWood-y, HigsyWigsy, Artful, Heretofore, Rocky&Fed, Eggie_boi, FenderJazz, CSL, Beanjo, octo, Porridge68, ElsieSpanner, AlphaDonkey02, ccmartin:), DaffyDuck, grm3xy, ET, bythesea, Jenh, TSTopper, F1patrick, ><)))*>, Vikingb, SazlDazl, Redacted, ArthurDaley483, Edinburger, daffodil, Letsdoit, QuirkESOCs, TheLovely, TheInquisitor, Finreir, emack, Cruachan, ESOCWalter, joly.
Rossewan, ESOC-HR, ESOCJeneral, Teviot, llama176, zegalia, Aibo, Hodgejrjr, Hodge, MarkkuEsoc, Pedro_delb, PognHog, féarglas.
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