Turf Blog 05-09-24

That’s Scotland for you. One day dull, dreich, drizzly and depressing. The next day, glorious azure blue skies with puffy clouds and bright sunshine. Almost perfect turfing/cycling weather, though an east wind keeping the temperature on the cool side. Ideal for a ride to the coast, and of course, simply to do my part for the TURF Ultimate Region Fight 2024. And in no way for the simply pleasure of riding my bike at the seaside.

Turf Zone – TideWatchZone

A good day yesterday, 129 takes and 25,000 points giving me a grand total of around 64,000 points so far this Round and keeps me in the Team Scotland Top 20 at unlucky 13th place. Add to that a very nice surprise when up pops notice that I’ve reached Rank 56 – Turf Angel with 11,000,000 points. Sounds good but that’s three years in the making and some turfers can do that in a single year. But why bother about comparing one’s self to other turfers, you do you own thing and simply enjoy the personal challenges the Game of Turf offer you. Challenges like collecting another 2,000,000 points towards the next one, Rank 57 – Turf Archangel. About 6 months’ work I would reckon.

Turf Zone – TheBigAsh

What I do find interesting is when you look up FRUT and see you’ve been out turfing for over 6 hours and you wonder is 129 takes good going in that time? It also shows that attempting the El Staminatore medal which entails, and I quote, “Belongs to those extremely great turfers who take at least 200 zones in 24 hours” could be achievable, in this case, in around 12 hours or less. Just another 71 zones required in this instance. Food for thought.

Turf Zone – StrollAway

I should point out that those 6 hours included some non-turfing time, such as stopping to take photographs, admire the view and also some wasted travel time. One problem with heading to the East Lothian coast is that while you can take zones on the way out, zones are few and far between on the way back, as there are only a limited number of routes to do so. In this example, plenty of zones through Dalkeith and Whitecraig, but that’s all. I usually return via Dalkeith Country Park which could do with two or three zones between zone Restoration and the Smeaton exit gate. Bit of a zone desert that way. Hint, hint!

Turf Zone – MusselLinks

It was the topic of motivation that was buzzing around my head as I cycled across Edinburgh to Portobello, then along the coast to Musselburgh and back home to Bonnyrigg. Just how do you stay motivated to keep on turfing, particularly when you are taking part in competition like TURF Ultimate Region Fight 2024, as part of Team Scotland.

Turf Zone – MusselLagoon

There are lots of ways to stay motivated in the Game of Turf. Trying for new medals, climbing levels in the League are examples. Then there’s hunting down Turfer unique zones and even taking zones from your arch rival across town because they are always blocking you on “your” local patch. But at the end of the day there’s one simple thing you can do. It’s also the same thing I tell people when asked how I stay slim, how I keep my weight down. In this case, don’t eat as much food. In the Game of Turf, just get out there and do it. Just get on your bike and go turfing. Simples. Don’t think, only do.

Turf Zone – LevenhallLink

And today, full circle with the weather, back to all-day miserable drizzle. So, local turfing this morning, taking the Bonnyrigg zones that turfer Pedro_delb cleared early on. Thanks to Pedro_delb. Still a few remaining in Eskbank and Dalkeith and hope to get them this evening. Back soon.

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