Turf Blog 17-12-24

Turf Zone – Bonnyrigg

You know, NHS Scotland does a wonderful job of helping us stay alive, yet often all you hear from people are moans and groans about how long waiting lists are and that they had to wait more to 10 minutes on the phone to make an appointment. Personally, I think we are fortunate to have NHS Scotland at all. The alternative is medical insurance and that does not come cheap, or private, which costs and arm and a leg. But as good as NHS Scotland is there is one thing they don’t offer and that is prescribe the humble bicycle as a means of staying healthy. Oh, and participating in the Game of Turf as well.

I had a migraine the other day and while I don’t actually get that terrible thumping migraine headache, I do get the after effects, known as migraine malaise, namely a mild headache, slight dizziness and nausea, both of which can last for a few days. I’ve tried various pills – which I hate having to take – and found the cure usually worse than the ailment. But the one thing I’ve found that makes a difference is to get out on the bike (or kick scooter) and go turfing.

Went out locally this morning, up to Rosewell and back for a few zones around Bonnyrigg. It was very windy with strong headwinds from the west, probably from Penicuik, a town with strange and mostly damp inhabitants. Didn’t feel very good cycling, having to stop a few times to catch my breath which is not my usual form. Perhaps this was due to simply getting older, or more likely a bug I’ve picked up from all those snivelly coughing passengers on the bus the other day, or most likely that bloody migraine.

Anyway, afterwards I felt top of the form. An hour or so on the bike, 33 zones taken, and it quite amazing how much better you feel after simply pedalling a bicycle up a few hills against the wind and drizzle. Yes, forgot to mention the drizzle, that miserable wet penetrative stuff, also emanating from Penicuik. And on the matter of getting healthy, why not prescribe the Game of Turf as a means to get fit and healthy. You could set people suitable targets to meet, perhaps a set number of points to collect during a Round. And if they didn’t meet those targets, fine them.

So, all you MSPs at the Scottish Parliament, please tell NHS Scotland to provide bicycles (or kick scooters) and help people get healthy. And if they don’t actually use the them, fine them heaps of money. And if you don’t mind, I’d like a Brompton T Line One and a Trek Farley 9.6 fat bike. Thank you.

Now, some good news. Yes, Santa Clause, or perhaps his brother Krampus, has arrived at the Planet Gary household and despite there not being a chimney, a small parcel was delivered and eagerly opened. Inside a marvellous wee beasty called the DJI Neo, a palm-sized video drone. This was my Christmas gift from ChoccyMuffin. Hmm, better get her something better than that new ironing board I was considering!

Been thinking about this drone for a while but never got round to getting one. However, Christmas is the ideal time to get those things you don’t have, especially when you are older and already have everything you want. The DJI Neo is so light and compact that it can fit in a pocket and I hope to use it to create a few more turfing and cycling videos soon. Well, once the weather gets better and the wind drops. Drones tend not to like strong winds all that much. Watch out for videos appearing soon.

Today is Day 17 of the Planet Gary Turf Advent Calendar 2024 and thank goodness there’s only another 7 tasks remaining. This is the second year I’ve done this and while I enjoy writing the challenges, when it comes to posting them online and managing the questions, I always wish I hadn’t bothered. One minute I’m delighted when I see turfers enjoying themselves, the next minute I’m thinking never again and time to let someone else take over. Guess I’m just too sensitive, take things too much to heart and should chill out a little. Oh well, it’s nearly finished. Perhaps I should buy another bicycle to cheer myself up? Cheery bye for now.

Copyright ©2024 Gary Buckham. All rights reserved.

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