Turf Blog 19-12-22

Well, it’s official, with great mental hardship, enumerable cups of Defcon 5-grade coffee and a truck load of four-fingered Kit-Kats, I’ve completed all 24 tasks/challenges for next year’s Turf Scotland Advent Calendar 2023. You will have the option for either the easy task or the challenging task, or both if you so desire. I’ve made an effort to keep the tasks open to all turfers, not matter where they reside. To be honest, it’s taken a lot of thinking to come up with fresh ideas or even new variations of previous tasks. There will also be a daily Christmas movie and TV themed quiz. At the moment, I’m seeking comments from a few experienced turfers and no doubt the tasks will be tweaked or even replaced over the coming year.

It will likely run from 1st December to the 24th December. Okay, proper advent does not official match those dates but I’ve decided to follow the family tradition of opening the first advent window, and scoffing the first chocolate, on 1st December (and also, I might add, involved fighting with my little sister for the privilege, which I never won, ever). Mind you, the chocolates were usually disappointing in any case. But it was the principle of the thing.

At the moment, and this may change, the Turf Scotland Advent Calendar 2023 will basically be a self-managed fun event, no requirements for joining, submitting any forms on completion, or whatever. Just go turfing and have fun. However, if I can find a method that is not too time consuming of dealing with what could potentially be 100’s or even 1000’s of participants, there may be prizes on offer.

However, before we finish, each task has a title, so here’s a few teasers to wet your appetite: Turfomathics, Frustration, Turfopoly, Game of Bones and Turfing Bad. More updates nearer the time.

Copyright ©2022 Gary Buckham. All rights reserved.

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