One of the biggest issues I have with turf, having been turfing for over three years now, is maintaining enthusiasm for the game. I’ve achieved most of the achievable medals, though what might be deemed achievable is entirely subjective, I’ve reached Rank 55 – Holy Turfer and I’ve even tried what I’ve termed a “turf restart”, in other words, starting turf again from the beginning, as a Newbie, with nothing. But that only lasted a few days.
As you reach the higher levels of the game, the points gaps between Ranks increases considerably, for example, to reach the next one, Rank 56 – Turf Angel, I require another 354,000 points, bringing me to 11,000,000 points. However, to reach the following, Rank 57 – Turf Archangel, I need to reach 13,000,000 points. For Rank 58 -Turf God, 15,000,000 points and for Rank 59 – Turf Titan a massive jump to 25,000,000 points. Then, for Rank 60 – Turfalicious, wait for it, 50,000,000 points. I guess this really weeds out the men from the mice and really tests your turf resolve.
I’ve always been keen on going for turf medals but as with turf ranks, the more you achieve the harder they get. Nearly all the medals remaining I have to go for require considerable time and effort to achieve. For example, I’ve managed the Roundpointer-500k, that’s 500,000 points in a single Round. The next one in the series is the Roundpointer-750k. Hmm, that one’s a challenge! Other turf medal contenders are the Greed-400, holding 400 zones at the same time. Very difficult when there are other turfers taking zones from you. Another is El Staminatore which require you to take 200 zones in 24-hours. Next up, Diversiest, take 1000 round unique zones in a single Round.
So, how do I get myself going on any of these? How do I drum up the enthusiasm to put in all that time and effort? One thing I did try was to create my own unofficial medals, about 30 at the last count. Have tried and completed a few, and also delighted that some other turfers also did the same, but I tend to forget that they are actually there. Must try to do a few more.
Now, on the turf app, if you hit the four dots bottom right, then the cogwheel, you will find Notification Settings. These are various alerts that will tell you when various actions have taken place, for example, zone taken. There are six notifications in total: Zone Blocked, Zone Taken, Zone Lost, New Message, Leaving Zone and Taking Zone. Personally, I don’t have all these ticked but three I find very useful.
Taking Zone is perhaps the first useful one you will hear when entering a zone, a handy hint when turfing by bicycle, or when not looking at the screen, tells you that you are actually inside the zone. Something rather essential for taking the zone. Similarly, Leaving Zone can usefully tell you that you have overshot the zone because you are riding too fast. And the last of this trio is Zone Taken, and lets you scoot away to the next zone.
Of the other three, Zone Blocked I’ve yet to understand how it might be of assistance. With Zone Lost, other than the obvious message it gives, it also tells you that another turfer might be in your area and you may plan accordingly. New Message can be a blessing or a curse, depending on what the message is. If it contains useful information, and a good example I can recall was that I was going the wrong way for a zone. Less useful messages, in other words annoying messages, are usually pointless chit-chat. But everyone to their own. Back soon.
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