Turf Blog 12-07-24

Turf Zone – KirkCockpen

I was taking zone KirkCockpen the other day and Bitzer said “Are you sure you should be riding a bicycle in a graveyard?” The first thought I had in response to this was that I must be hearing voices again because stuffed cuddly toys cannot speak, but I immediately pushed that out of my mind, as plain daft. The second thought was perhaps Bitzer had a point. Should you be riding a bicycle in a graveyard? I determined to find out. Bitzer said “And so you should. Where’s my biscuits?”

But before we go any further a few notes about the zone in question. The zone is located in the grounds of Cockpen and Carrington Church on the outskirts of Bonnyrigg. You take the zone from a gravel driveway, one that is clearly designed for vehicles such as motor car, though originally, I suspect it would be for horse-drawn carriages. So, as visiting worshipers park here, I see no problem riding the bike here to take the zone. I guess Bitzer’s question refers to the new adjacent burial area.

This area was created only a few years ago as a cemetery or graveyard, whatever you prefer and is cross-crossed with tarmac paths, some are narrower as footpaths and some are wider for vehicles. So, as it is my habit of cycling this way to take the zone, should I be doing that or not? The Scottish Outdoor Access Code does not mention this type of location at all, at least as far as I can tell. Next, I looked at the Midlothian Council website and again found nothing to suggest cycling is not permitted. Though there might be some local bylaws but cannot find any.

I must say that there is usually a niggle in the back of my mind that cycling here is a no-no. I guess this might stem from my youth when you got chased and shouted at for even walking through the local cemetery. Mind you, we did take shortcuts home at lunchtime via the cometary and climbed a wall we probably should not have climbed. That was some 50-years ago down in Selkirk when I was a naughty wee boy.

Locally, I’ve sometimes noticed some apparently disapproving looks from people, generally those of the older generation, when I cycle through the cemetery but that might just be my imagination. So, as far as I can determine there is no issue with cycling through cemeteries in Midlothian to take turf zones. I also looked up the City of Edinburgh Council and I found some reference to the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, so the same applies there.

Now here’s something interesting. This led to wonder where else should I not be riding my bike? The obvious one is on pavements, or footways, that’s the part of the carriageway reserved for pedestrians. The Highway Code is quite clear on not riding on pavements. And I’ve still been unable to get an answer to that other question, when does a pavement become a footpath? Perhaps one day I will. Any turfers out there with a legal background that might know the answer? Back again soon.

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