Blog 27-01-23

Finally, after 12 weeks the porch* is finished, of course, other than the internal finishes such as decorating and flooring. Good to get it all out of the way, not so good seeing that huge amount of money vanishing instantly into the builder’s account. This morning saw me finishing tidying up the driveway pavers, that’s the paver and gravel strip around the perimeter. About two days’ work overall. Seems a lot of work and time but I like to do things right.

As far as the internal finishes go a couple of trips to the DIY store and we have all the materials required for the internals, including paint, plaster coving, adhesive, plastic corner protectors and a few odd and ends. Just need to decide where to start. However, I’m probably going to wait until we get the final completion certificate, 10-year warranty and other paperwork from Bryant & Cairns. While it’s not actually very likely, but I’d hate to finish everything inside only to find some issue with building control and have to do stuff again.

Yes, what to start with. Should I paint the ceiling and walls first or do the woodwork first? Should I paint the walls and ceiling then fix the coving in place? Less cutting in at the wall/ceiling junction that way. Should I paint the coving first than secure in place? So many choices. At least the flooring is easy enough. I obtained some new carpet tiles from a demolition site and they will do just fine. Mind you we still need to choose the “right” coat hooks! Oh dear. Further updates soon.

*We actually call it the Porsche. Why? Because it cost as much as a Porsche to build and we no longer have enough space in the driveway for two cars and that means I won’t be getting that car or van I wanted. Life can be so cruel!

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