As well as the usual day-time rides, I’m a keen enthusiast of night rides and not just during the warmer summer months but throughout the year and on this page, I want to share a few thoughts and hints and tips of the subject.
- Buy lights – good quality, high power LED lights make all the difference.
- Charging lights – always charge after use and be ready for the next scoot.
- Clothing – multiple thin layers are more versatile than fewer thick ones.
- Emergency – advise someone when they should report you missing.
- Extra lights – always carry a second light as a backup spare.
- Fit mudguards – easiest way to keep the dirt from your clothing.
- Footwear – a sole with a good grip is essential in wet weather.
- Gloves – good for grip, protection in falls and warmer hands.
- Gravel – watch out when changing direction or encounters at speed.
- Handlebar grips – Ergon GP1 grips are really, really comfortable.
- Jingly bells – much easier to alert people to your presence, mostly.
- Load carrying – it’s easier to carry stuff on the bike than on your back.
- More lights – having two lights is much better than just having one.
- Rear lights – attach to yourself, bag, pack or belt, to be seen from the rear.
- Route – know and check it during the day and tell people your route.
- Speed – be able to stop within the area to can see to be clear.
- Times – let someone know your start time and expected return time.
- Tools – always carry a few basic tools and spares, including inner tubes.
- Tyre choice – big tyres for off-road trails, skinny tyres for roads and paths.
- Tyre pressures – high for road speed, low for off-road comfort and grip.
- Tyre sealant – put some in the inner tubes and help avoid punctures.
- Water – don’t forget to carry fluids just because it’s during the night.
- Wet leaves – always a hazard to look out for. Careful on bends at speed.
- Wildlife – most wildlife comes out at night so keep an eye out for them.
Copyright ©2020 Gary Buckham. All rights reserved.