Monday 28th, and the build starts proper today with the superstructure, though using the word superstructure for a wee nano porch isn’t perhaps quite the right word. The joiners and the electrician were on site first thing and immediately got down to work. The joiners started on the roof, stripped back the timber fascia, rainwater gutter and roof tiles. Tasks which took a surprising amount of time as this was carefully stripping back and not outright demolition. By the end of the day the timber kit was up and the roof rafters installed. I was impressed by the amount of time they spent on ensuring things were straight, level and square. One of the things I always find difficult when doing DIY stuff.
I spent a lot of time with the electrician, trying to explain our requirements and discussing the best options, for example, switching methods for the lights and power outlet locations. We were originally thinking of re-using the existing downlighters but decided to replace them all and have everything the same model. They were all rusty anyway and past their best. Into the bin they will go unless I can think of something to do with them.
And finally, I mentioned to Mr Joiner when they were stripping off the timber fascia plate that, if possible, I’d like to keep that to make a bird nesting box. However, things that go together easily with hammer and nail do not necessarily come apart so easily, and the wood split. Not a problem really, I said, not to worry. But Mr Joiner said he would have a look in the yard and see what might be lying around. So, this morning I’m handed some timber off-cuts. Enough for two bird boxes. Fantastic.
But there’s more. These timber off-cuts are not your usual rough sawn softwood, not even dressed and planed softwood. These off-cuts are of the finest hardwood, mahogany no less. And now I feel slightly guilty. Is this wood sourced from sustainable forests? Am I contributing to the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest? Am I guilty of the worst crime available these days, that of adding to climate change? Who knows? But on the plus side, mahogany is a very durable timber and the resulting bird boxes will probably outlast the house. The birds that use them will be happy birds indeed, raising their young in the highest quality poshest bird boxes you can make. Another update tomorrow.
Copyright ©2022 Gary Buckham. All rights reserved.