Well, here we are in 2023, a whole two years of turfing behind me and another to look forward to. However, Houston, we have a problem. I’m not looking forward to turfing this year, just cannot find any enthusiasm to get turfing. I think I need something different, something interesting. something challenging. But I don’t know what that will be, if even it exists at all. Oh dear.
But wait, all is not lost, as I’ve had an idea. It came to me while turfing around Bonnyrigg after the round reset this morning. I’d been turfing on the Swifty Air kick scooter the other day around Dalkeith, on the 31st December, New Year’s eve, and was reminded just how much fun kick scooting is and what a great work out it gives your body. Arms. legs, chest and shoulders all get the stuffing kicked out of them after a lazy Christmas. So, I thought, why not just use the kick scooter for turfing this round? Only the kick scooter, no cycling and no walking.
Today, New Year’s Day, I kick-scoot-turfed around Bonnyrigg, taking a good 38 hard-won zones. And losing 20 of them to some turfer called ChoccyMuffin, later that evening. Grr! It was hard going kick scooting Bonnyrigg. My house is actually at perhaps the lowest point in Bonnyrigg, way down in the eastern corner, and it’s up hill all the way to the top part of town in the Polton area. Though I suppose you get the benefit of that mysterious invisible force called gravity, for most of the zones on the way back downhill towards Eskbank.
So, this has me thinking that perhaps some New Year’s Turf Resolutions might be in order, if only for the first turf round of the year and perhaps with an option to extend into subsequent rounds. Perhaps helping me stay interesting in turfing. Okay, here goes:
- preferential use of the kick scooter.
- avoid/limit turf cycling or walking.
- only take zones once in a round.
- use only public transport, no cars.
Of course, I’ll soon run out local zones. Bonnyrigg, Eskbank and Dalkeith will only take a few sessions. Newtongrange and Gorebridge are within scooting distance, as is Loanhead, Rosewell and Roslin. Penicuik would take some extra effort as would Musselburgh, and anywhere else for that matter. However, I have an option here to use public transport and make use of my Swifty One, the folding version of the kick scooter, one I bought a year ago and I’m ashamed to say haven’t yet taken it on the bus. I have used it normally but not as intended. However, this might just be the impetus I need to do just that. Back soon.
Copyright ©2023 Gary Buckham. All rights reserved.