I feel wholly and totally inadequate. The other day I took some time away from turfing to allow me to recover from the mammoth, at least as far as I was concerned, turfing session the previous evening as I sought, and finally gained after 6 hours in the saddle, my Greed-350 medal. When I say recover, I really mean let my aching back settle back into its normal only-slightly-aching state, rather than bloody-awful-aching state.
Yes, I do not feel worthy. Why? Because I watched one amazing turfer Goddess, one who started turfing around 10.30 am on Sunday 2nd October and only finished turfing around 7:30 am the following morning, and all this with only a few short breaks for sustenance, or possibly a fresh set of batteries. That’s close to 21 hours turfing. That is truly amazing, though some might say totally and utterly crazy mental. Clearly, she must be a cybernetic-hyper-combat-turfer, in other words a Turfinator (hence the stop for fresh batteries), or perhaps she is the Fifth Element, the perfect being, the perfect turfer. Whatever she is on, I want some. Maybe she eats Wheetabix for breakfast? Can you guess who this turfer is?
Today, was a lazy stress-free turfing day, a totally relaxed and chilled out turfing day. Yes, no stress at all. No more feelings of guilt for not being out turfing enough now that TURF 2022 has finished. And before that, the pressure of taking the Daily-5 zones, also finished with the award of the Daily-365 medal, also gone. No, this morning a gentle relaxed circuit of Bonnyrigg, taking zones at an easy lazy pace, stopping here and there to admire the view, talk to a very friendly moggie cat and yes, even chat with a couple of enormous horses that would have happily carried fully-armoured knights into battle in days of old. It was that sort of morning.
I turfed Bonnyrigg the other day and found myself wondering what the point was? It seemed that I was simply on automatic pilot, not even registering the name of the zone I was taking. And here’s something scary, I checked on Warded and I’ve taken zone WayOfBaird 413 times. Bloody hellfire! I’ve survived turfing Mayfield 12 times. I’ve tacked Newtongrange 35 times and Gorebridge 12 times. The Loanhead Ferret Run, 17 times. Interesting stuff.
I’m of two minds about turfing, to turf or not to turf, that is the vexing question I ask myself. Do I keep on taking zones, day after day, forever? Do I keep on writing up pages like this, often finding it exceedingly difficult to find new topics to blog about. What is the secret that keeps turfers turfing? Some turfers I have met have been turfing since the dawn of time, well, at least here in bonny Scotland, land of the Braveheart, where Mars bars live in fear of the deep-fry pan and the haggis can still be seen running wild in remote hills and glens. Just how do I keep myself interested in turfing?
Suggestions via the contact form please. Free pack of chunky Kit-Kats to the best suggestion.
Copyright ©2022 Gary Buckham. All rights reserved.