First, the topic of new Turf medals. And I’m delighted to say that the Monumentalist option won with a landslide in the vote for the next new medal series, finishing way ahead of the other contenders with 180 votes out of 350 votes in total (amounts estimated). Which I must say is a rather poor turn-out when you consider there are over 6000 active turfers worldwide. But there you go.
However, this is brilliant news and we can all look forward to hunting down all those exceedingly rare Monument attribute zones. But don’t get too excited just yet, we now have the nail-biting wait while the Turf Wizards collect the secret codes and mysterious ingredients for the magic spell that will create this new medal series. So, watch out for them next time you are visiting Diagon Alley!
Next, TvT. I find myself rather enjoying this lark called Turfer verses Turfer, which involves taking zones held by others turfers whom you have not taken a zone from in the past. However, this game is not always as straight forwards as it might appear. Today sees Round #159 begin. At 1100 hours precisely, and among other things, all zones are reset to Neutral. Which is all and good. But wait! That means the turfers who hold those zones in Edinburgh, the zones I’ve been thinking to hunt down and take, will lose control of those zones. They will become Neutral zones. And as far as TvT goes, they will vanish, perhaps for ever. Something to keep in mind.
Another aspect of TvT is that the zones can change hands at any time. So, those zones you are after, the zones held by all those turf tourists from exotic foreign lands, such as Yorkshire, Fife and Glasgow, will be lost. And unless they return again, you will never have another chance to collect that turf name. So, when hunting TvT zones it pays not to hang about too long. Get out there and take those precious zones as soon as possible. And remember, you may not be the only turfer out hunting TvT zones. Oh, by the way, please, please, pretty please, can we have a medal series for TvT. And a few more Monument zones as well. Thanks.
Yes, Round #159 begins today and I find myself yet again in pole position in League 4, and I must say without much in the way of effort on my part, at least beyond what I would call normal turfing. It was quite by chance I looked at the League table and saw myself in 2nd position behind turfer HappyHibby. It was too good an opportunity to miss, so at great risk of a stern telling off from friend HappyHibby, or would that be UnHappyHibby, I decided to go for it and managed to get 36k ahead to secure a promotion to League 3. This leads to the question of what should I do once in League 3? Think I’ll wait and see who I’m up against first then decide.
With the finish of Round #158, I find myself in 13th place out of 325 players in Scotland, 21st out of 563 in the UK and 87th out of 6158 in the World. My points were modest, with just over 220,000, not a high score by any means but reasonable. Yet the gap between my own placing and the top guns of Turf is considerable. To achieve first in Scotland, or the UK, I’d need another 700,000 points to catch turfer TurboSmith. To be first in the World, I’d need another 940,000 points to catch turfer Jomii. Mission impossible, I reckon!
To finish, my current Turf-To-Do list, an aide memoire to myself mostly.
- Roundpointer-750k medal.
- Promotion to League 3.
- Round, Country and Region medals.
- Diversiest medal – 1000 Round uniques.
- El Staminatore medal – 200 takes in 24-hours.
- Take-30000 medal – 1628 takes required.
- Unique-2500 medal – 287 uniques required.
- Greed-400 medal.
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