Turf Blog 08-06-21

Turf zone – Skeltiemuir

Having lost a week of turfing time due to hip problems, I finally got started turfing again today. I would have liked to start at the beginning of the new round but other family commitments and aforesaid injuries put paid to that. However, having said that, it was actually quite nice not to turf and be able to relax and do others things. I found it quite difficult to start turfing again. Found myself almost not bothering with the same old thing. Going round taking the same zones, loosing those same zones and taking those same zones again. The round reset sees zones and points back to zero and I was seriously wondering if I was going to bother this time.

Anyway, this fine evening I bit the bullet and decided to go for it and take my local Bonnyrigg zones. I’d see how I felt about turfing after that. I did my usual round, taking the 30 or so Bonnyrigg zones, including three recent additions to the area, zones PeacocksBeard, SignsOfHumans and SelfStruggle. It was interesting to see how these additions changed my usual carefully planned route and even more interesting to try and decipher how the names came about. Not a clue do I have!

Not much to report on my turfing session this evening, though time was lost blethering to an ex-work colleague on the Hopefield estate and also watching a hedgehog running about the town centre, dodging the traffic. I was very tempted to grab it and take it to somewhere safer but decided to leave it to its own devices. What would happen if it had young to care for and I dropped it off somewhere else? No, better not to interfere and let nature take its own course. It’s sometimes far too easy to think you are doing good when you might actually be doing harm.

So, how do I feel about turfing now? Well, I think I’m back in the zone, so to speak, and will be out tomorrow taking more zones. Not sure where I’ll go but will leave that decision for tomorrow. I’m sure once I get started writing a few blogs I’ll be as enthusiastic as ever. Juts need to remind myself of all the things I’ve thought about doing turf-wise and get on with them. More turf blogs coming soon, I hope!

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