Looking at my list of Scooting Challenges, I noticed one I’d been thinking about doing for some time, the Full Moon Scoot. The date of the next full moon was 2nd September (that was tomorrow) and after checking the weather forecast, everything looked okay with a good chance of clear skies. I planned to be out of bed around midnight and head for a round of the three local golf courses, Broomieknowe, Melville and Newbattle.
By 12:15, I was out on the Swifty Air, scooting across the housing estate, following footpaths and various cycleway up to my first destination, Broomieknowe. Skies were partially clear with the full moon casting plenty of light to see by, meaning my own lights were not required. It was a touch on the cool side, so leggings, t-shirt and light windproof were needed, at least until I warmed up. Something that does not take long when kick scooting.
At the golf course, I entered at the car park, removed jacket and exchanged leggings for shorts, and followed the perimeter in a clockwise direction, keeping away from the greens, me and my Swifty casting a long shadow across the course. The going underfoot was dry and firm, making for good easy scooting. I dropped down from this course onto the next course, Melville, at its driving range and crossed the road onto the course itself for a quick loop around, disturbing a feeding Rose deer at the fence to the west.
Next, along well-lit pavements down to Eskbank, veering left to follow a short stretch of old railway line. However, I soon encountered an obstacle, four Network Rail work vans blocking the path, all with engines running and light blazing everywhere. No-one was actually doing any work as they were all sitting in their vans but I managed to squeeze past, picking up a fair number of sticky burrs from some Burdock plants.
My route then brought me into Dalkeith, taking a loop around the playing fields at Kings Park, before crossing onto Newbattle golf course, entering at the club house where an open gate allowed access. In the past, this gate was closed and seemed to be only accessible by swipe card but perhaps it’s been left open for walkers, and of course, kick scooterists?
Then, my usual routine here, around the course perimeter near the club house, down and across the Maiden Bridge, taking me across the River South Esk, a loop around the main part of the course and back again to the club house. The area was a bit more exposed here to the wind but was mostly uphill, so keeping warm was not a problem.
Finally, retraced my route back to Melville, where strange noises were emanating from the driving range, a quick look revealed the robot lawnmowers and ball-collectors going about their business. I thought it might have been people up to no good but the place was in darkness and no-one was apparent. Then, back to the house for a welcome cup of tea and some biscuits.
Copyright ©2020 Gary Buckham. All rights reserved.