First day of Turf round #129 and the Scotland – Skåne Turf Challenge. Wasn’t sure what was going to happen today but it turned out to be just another day on the bike taking zones and collecting points. Started on my home turf of Bonnyrigg, whizzing round from zone to zone gathering points and those all-important 50 neutral bonus points. However, it was one of those days when things seem to conspire against me enjoying myself. Aching legs and an aching back did not help matters and phone technical problems slowed me down.
For some unknown reason my phone would lock itself after 3 minutes. It was fine yesterday and for many days before but today of all days, it started playing up. Really annoying having the swipe the screen every 3 minutes and it did put a spoiler on the morning. Searching for the issue proved fruitless and only when back home did I eventually find the problem, Auto Screen Lock, in Game Booster. Not sure why it’s changed since yesterday, possibly an update. Should be okay now and will see how it goes when I venture out next time.
Fairly happy with today’s efforts with 37 zones taken, all with bonus points, bringing my score to around 8500. My area was centred on my local patch, Bonnyrigg, heading out east as far as the A7, with south and west bordered by the B6329, and north by the A720 Edinburgh City by-pass. I also managed to grab the few zones down in Lasswade. Mission accomplished. I didn’t even stop to take my usual zone pictures, well, perhaps just the one, LasswadeKirk. List of neutral zones taken today from the Romulans.
Pittendriech, Brixwold, LadyMarion, GroovyFarm, ChesterGarden, AuldCoal, Skeltiemuir, CockpenBypass, HopeBridge, Poltonhall, Flash, ArgylePlaza, FreeKick, CatSchool, RobinAndTuck, Bonnyrigg, DobbysSock, IKnowBroom, TongueSpatula, LothianSquare, NotFencedIn, WaverleyPath, WayOfBaird, WaverleyPark, Wishart, Slytherin, BroomieGolf, MelvilleGolf, OldDalkeith, SpotTheDog, Entomophobia, WalkLasswade, MelvillePark, GolfWatchCCTV, Wadingburn, LasswadeKirk and finally Wee.
Interesting to see the spread of turfers on the map, all well-spaced across Edinburgh and the surrounding regions. Amazing how quickly the sea of yellow dots get taken by turfers. Was planning to head out again this evening but being more tired than usual, together with aforesaid back ache and complaining leg muscles meant an early night and its back to work tomorrow. That’s the problem with taking holidays, having to go back to work again. But on the plus side, only 3 more months until retirement. Have actually started the retirement process and plan to hand my notice in at the end of the month. Something to look forward to and for keeping in mind when feeling out of sorts, like today. Right, were did I put those happy pills? Ah, some chocolate!
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