Not much to report today as I’m back at work (from home as is the new normal), the holidays already a distant memory, or so it seems. With only 45 minutes for lunch, I grabbed the Surly Ogre and pedalled off to take a few local zones. It was odd not to be constantly on the lookout for ice patches and Brixwold (170 points) was first on the list. Then up to KirkCockpen for 185 points which seemed to take okay at the time but it was only later that I noticed my take hadn’t, well, taken, for some reason.
Next across to LadyMarion (170 points) and the Gremlins were again up to mischief. The lost GPS signal eventually resolved itself after a phone restart and the zone was taken successfully. After battling strong crosswinds and driving horizontal rain – always interesting on a bicycle – RobinAndTuck provided another 170 points, followed with NotFencedIn and LothianSquare each for the same value.
A foray onto the cycle path gave me TongueSpatula (170 points) by the health centre, then downhill through Waverly Park, for oddly enough, WaverlyPark (170 points) and then back home. I was somewhat damp by now and 45 minutes is not very long, so had to leave enough time to put the Ogre away, get dried off and logged on again at the computer. Some people don’t like working from home but it’s fine by me if I can grab a few zones during lunch.
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