11..00 am tomorrow morning and the start of another Turf competition. This one is called the 2024 Week of Madness, an interesting and perfectly apt title. It’s a three-team challenge between Scotland and two teams from across the North Sea, Västra Götaland and Skåne, both from Sweden. It lasts for an entire week, Sunday to Sunday, seven days of intense turfing mayhem and madness. You can see all the gory details on Turfportalen.
The rules are fairly simple but different from everyday turfing. Points are awarded for Points, Takes and Round Uniques and are awarded at 11.00 am each day and at the end of the challenge with 3 points to first, 2 points to second and 1 point to third in each category. Only the top 80% of participants count. Note that the 11.00 am timestated is only here in the UK and is 12.00 am in Sweden due to the time difference. One point to note with Round Uniques is that any taken previously in the two weeks prior to the event cannot be counted again, which is something I wish I’d paid attention to at the beginning of this Round.
Scotland has put up a good team with 27 players all eager and desperate for some turfing madness, myself included, and you can see all the team members listed on Turfportalen. With these turf challenges I often find myself excited at the prospect initially, then wondering what I’ve let myself in for, followed by thinking I don’t want to do this and I’ll withdraw my name. I guess I’m just one of those people who keep changing their mind all the time.
Actually, thinking about that, I think it’s probably down to something causing a break in my daily routine, same with going out for meals, visiting relatives and the dreaded weddings. However, I’m game for the 2024 Week of Madness. Bring it on! I’m hoping to do a daily turf blog during the challenge but not sure I’ll have time or enough stuff to actually blog about each day but we shall see. Good luck to all and keep on turfing.
Of course, with the 2024 Week of Madness tomorrow, this means any local turfing was off the books. No point turfing my local patch and have nothing left to take tomorrow. However, the day was not wasted and a trip into Edinburgh gave me another four turfer uniques for the list, namely MarkusAke, allinug, cyclecamping and horseyj. This bring my total to a nice round 300. Back soon.
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