One of the issues issues I have when using the GoPro Hero 10 Black is remembering just what camera settings I’ve used previously. Something usually quite helpful when I want to create the video in the same manner. So, as an aide memoire to myself and any budding GoPro enthusiasts out in Turfland, I’ll list them here as well.
- Timewrap mode
- Chest mount
- Lens Max Superview
- Max Hypersmooth standard
- 2.7k video resolution
- Speed x5
- 30 frames per second
- Horizon lock on
- Sharpness high
- Camera angle full upright
A few tips for using the GoPro chest mount. Make sure the harness is good and tight or it may slip while riding. Pay attention to where the camera rests on your chest if cycling. You will likely want is in the middle to keep the view ahead centralised. Have the led indicators lamps on the GoPro switched on. It’s easier to see if you are recording at a glance. Use a M5 x 25 mm bolt rather than the standard GoPro thumbscrew as it’s far easier to tighten and remove later with an Allen key.
One point from looking at the final footage is that the video might benefit from having the foreground objects, i.e. the handlebars, lower in the frame to reveal more towards the horizon. To do this you need to invert the GoPro, in other words, turn it upside down. This way you have more room for adjustment. A thought for the next session.
- Public Service Broadcasting – Go To The Road.
- Public Service Broadcasting – Spitfire.
P.S. Did you spot the two wild haggis running past at 0:33 minutes?
Copyright ©2023 Gary Buckham. All rights reserved.