A rather lazy turfing day, just a few zones for the Örebro Kalendar task – take any four attribute zones. Was at the hospital this morning, but don’t worry, nothing serious, just getting my influenza and Covid-19 inoculations. One in each arm, ouch! Great not having to go far, just a few minutes’ walk to the Bonnyrigg Community Hospital. I must say by evening I’m beginning to feel rather rough, feeling like I have mild flu and arms beginning to ache somewhat. There was a woman at the hospital talking to her friend, saying she was really worried about feeling unwell after the injection and wasn’t sure about actually getting it. I was tempted to say to might feel dead if you don’t but decided not to.
Weather has been rather chilly of late, with quite a few nights, and days, dropping below freezing. In fact, it’s snowing heavily here in Bonnyrigg as I tap the keys on the keyboard, quite often the wrong ones, I might add. One problem I have in cold weather when out turfing on the bike is that my toes get cold and chilblains develop. These appear as little red sensitive patches on the tips of my toes and can be quite painful, so I’m looking at ways to alleviate this or stop it occurring all together. The obvious option is not to go out when it’s around freezing but I don’t want to do that if I can avoid it. Want to keep on turfing.
First option is to try so-called thermal socks which I doing at the moment, well, thicker socks anyway. Next option is to get a decent pair of insulated winter boots. Found a pair I really like by Helly-Hansen, going by the super cool name of Arctic Patrol Winter Boots. Would look the dog’s bollocks when out fat biking in the snow. Proper kit for winter rides on the Surly Pugsley. Going into Edinburgh on Monday to the shop in George Street to see if they have any and try them on. Quite like the Garibaldi V3 Snow Boots as well. Not sure I’d get away with buying both pairs. I know, I’ll say I’m going to enter the 2023 Iditarod Trail Invitational race or the famous Strathpuffer 24 in 2023 and need to start training. And it is Christmas after all. Back soon.
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