Took me a while to decide if I should do a normal video with voice-over or a time lapse, settled for the latter, bearing in mind all those hills in Gorebridge I’ll have to puff my way up and all those steps you need to carry the bike over. Mind you there must be an equal amount of down hills as well as up hills! This wee video takes in all the zones in Gorebridge and includes those in Gore Glen and Prestonholm as well.
And for the turf-tech-heads out there, here’s all the techy blurb again:
- Camera: GoPro Hero 10 Black
- Accessory: GoPro Media Mod
- Recording mode: Timewarp
- GoPro Chest mount
- Lens Max mod in Superview
- Max Hypersmooth standard
- 2.7k video resolution
- Time lapse speed x5
- 30 frames per second
- Horizon lock on
- Sharpness high
- Camera angle 55 Degrees
- Editing software, DaVinci Resolve 18
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